Cycling Bibs for Women

If you’re just getting into cycling, you may have noticed that some people wear cycling shorts with a top and a few of the riders wear something called bib shorts. You may be wondering why people wear bib shorts. Is it to look cool? Is it because, it’s so much fun to run your thumbs up the straps and snap them in place? Perhaps yes, but more importantly, it’s because they are incredibly comfortable! Function first folks. Function first.

For the uninitiated, let us tell you a bit more about the construction of our bib shorts. In the most simple terms, bibs are just traditional padded cycling shorts with suspenders attached. Unlike the suspenders worn by Daddy Warbucks, cycling bib shorts don’t have clips and the straps are actually part of the shorts. In other words, they’re one distinct unit.

Cycling Bib Shorts for Women

We mentioned that bibs are very comfortable and that’s generally due to two factors. The first is that there is no waist band. The suspenders do the job of holding the shorts up, so you get to enjoy a little extra space around the middle. This can help with breathing and it certainly feels liberating. The second big reason bibs are so comfortable is because they don’t ever ride down. No matter how hard you pump the pedals and rock back and forth on your climbs, you won’t have to worry about any exposure in the southern hemisphere….if you know what we mean.

Now, there is one thing that high-end cycling shorts and the best bibs have in common and that is the pad. At Coeur, we literally searched the world for the  highest quality pad on the market and we found it in Italy from a company called Cytech. It's a women's specific pad and it is top of the line in the Cytech collection. We suspect you all know how important it is for us to "Keep the Kitty Happy" and this pad is perfect for the job.

 Of course, we happen to think bibs look super cool, but if you’re at all concerned about the look, then rest easy my friend. Once you put a cycling jersey on over the bibs, you’ll look just like everyone else. Of course, we suspect that after a few rides, you'll fall in love with bibs and they'll be your go to piece of clothing when you go out for your ride.

As always, if you have any questions about this item or any of our products, just shoot us a note at [email protected]. Of course, if you're thinking about going with Bibs, we'd encourage you to give ours a try. U.S. Shipping is always Free, we back all our sales up with crazy good customer service and returns are never an issue. As an added bonus, type in BIBS at checkout and get 10% off your order through March 1, 2016.

Thanks and happy riding!

Your (bib wearing) friends at Coeur

Reginald Holden