So, let me tell you about my first bike. Not my first bike ever but certainly my first bike with a name. I used it in my first ever triathlon. He was made of steel, his shifters were on the down tube and his name was….Trots. Trots? What kind of name is that? Was your bike named for Leon Trotsky? Or some type of digestive disorder?

No! Of course not. Trots stood for….I mean, it means, or it meant. Well, actually, I can’t say with certainty why the bike was named Trots.

Reg and Kebby at their first triathlon

Despite the fact that Trots that was 20 lbs heavier than my bike, Kebby still beat me in her first triathlon

You see, I wasn’t the first owner. In fact, I was, at a minimum, the third. Trots had already initiated two other people into the sport of triathlon before moving in with me.

Let me go back a bit. It was 2005 and I decided to sign up for my first Tri. I did it on a whim with a friend and didn’t know the first thing about the sport. Fortunately, a colleague at work took me under his wing and even gave me a bike. Turns out he had used it to do his very first Tri, as had the previous owner. The bike's name was, for some still unknown reason, “Trots”.

When Kebby and I started dating, I convinced her to do her first triathlon. Trots came with the package and she proudly rode that bike to several podium finishes. When we moved out to San Diego, we decided that we had to give the bike to someone who was going to (you guessed it), do their first triathlon too. That was the last that we heard of Trots but we hope he’s still breaking in newbies somewhere in Georgia or the surrounding states.

So, what does that have to do with anything? Well…glad you asked. Coeur loves endurance sports. We've seen that more often than not, when people take that first step (or pedal stroke), they began a journey that is incredibly rewarding. They are frequently introduced to new friends and health and fitness becomes a bigger priority in their lives.

We have mentioned this before, but even though Coeur is small, we have big aspirations. We want to do as much as we can to promote lifestyles of health and fitness. We want to draw people into endurance sports and to create a community of supportive and encouraging women.

We try to do that through our ambassador team, sponsored races and by working with our partners.  And now, we’re also going to try and do that by giving away a brand new bike. Not just any bike, mind you, but a beautiful new, race ready Argon18! The new owner of this sweet ride will be someone who can serve as a role model, an inspiration and as an ambassador to endurance sports.

Argon brand bike

The Beautiful Argon18 E-112

We’re going to ask that the owner continues to try and step up their efforts to encourage people to live healthy lifestyles and that, (in the spirit of Trots) when the time comes a year or so from now to get a new steed, that they pass along the bike to someone else who is just taking up endurance sports.  

So, now you might be asking how do you enter and how do you win? Again, glad you asked. We’ll be providing that information in the next couple of days on our website,, so check back soon. Until then, here are a couple of hints/questions:

  1. Can you, or have you ever, convinced other people to get out and run, bike and/or swim for the first time?
  2. Do you know how to make and upload a video to You Tube?

 Ok…more to come but that’s it for now.

Reginald Holden