Happy Friday everyone! We hope you all have had a great week. We’re gearing up for a big weekend of racing and want to send positive vibes and good wishes to all the participants. As usual, we’ll be glued to the computer tracking our friends out on the course. Then on Monday or Tuesday, we’ll be looking forward to reading the blog recaps. We love to watch a race then get a behind the scenes look via a blog post of what was going on at a particular moment.
In fact, we have to admit that we spend quite a bit of time reading blogs. There’s just something cool about getting to connect with an individual via their posts. That’s why we thought it might make sense to share a few of the blogs that are on our daily reading list. Now, this isn’t a comprehensive list and we’ll share more in the future, but this should give you a sense for who we follow online:
Naturally, we’d start with Coeur Co-Founder Hailey Manning. When she’s not helping lead Coeur, you can probably find Hailey on a ride, a run, or in a pool. She’s a top tier age group triathlete who finished on the podium in Kona last year. Her blog, Hailey in Training, is not only entertaining, but it is also provides a view on what it takes to be a perennial Ironman Hawaii qualifier. Give it a read at:
If Running is your thing, we’d encourage you to take a look at ReadEatWriteRun.com. The author, who goes by “M” is a Masters Runner and Boston Marathon Qualifier. In addition to providing training and racing updates, she also does a fantastic job of curating content on her twitter feed. We can’t count the number of times that we’ve seen interesting posts and found that they were retweets from M. Her blog can be found at:
Erin is relentlessly positive and incredibly full of life. This love of life shows up in her blog Sweetsweatlife.com. She is not only an excellent triathlete but also a yogi and a self-proclaimed lover of life, happiness, espresso, the outdoors, vizslas and the ocean. We particularly love (and agree with) her belief that kindness can change the world.
Sonja is another top tier triathlete who does an amazing job of telling her story. Her blog Go Sonja does a great job of combining training and racing updates with other incredibly useful topics like Mental Preparation and Nutrition. As with so many of the people we follow, Sonja sees the glass as half full. Her posts are thoughtful, incredibly well written and very much worth the read.
The Onion Sports Network
Yep..we’ll admit it. We’re hooked on the Onion. Especially the Sports Section. It’s Irreverent, topical and occasionally, just a bit on the adult side, but wow, is it ever funny. We know it isn’t technically a blog but, how can you not like a site that has headlines like:
Bicyclists begin the Formal Wear stage of the Tour De France
If the kids aren’t around, take a look and have a laugh.
Now, as we said, this isn’t a comprehensive list, but it does highlight a few of the blogs (and websites) that are on our reading list.
We’re always looking for more, so please feel free to share your favorites as well.
Happy Training and Racing Everyone!
Your Friends at Coeur