Listen in to our Women's Endurance Sports Podcast

Hi everyone and welcome to Ear Splitz. The Coeur Sports podcast where we discuss endurance sports from a variety of angles.  We’re incredibly excited about the podcast because it offers another way for us to connect with and cheer for all of you.  We’ve always said that Coeur is about the community as much as it is about the clothing and we see this podcast series as another way to support our community and to dive deeper into topics that are of interest to women in endurance sports.

Coeur Sports Podcast

We were incredibly fortunate to have Lilias and David Young as hosts for the series. They are both excellent interviewers, experienced athletes and they are always making us laugh. If you want to hear more from them, be sure to check out their podcast series Kona Kamps where they interview the winning age group women athletes in Ironman-distance races from all around the world.

We’ve got a great line up of topics set up for the rest of the year and we’ll discuss everything from Aerodynamics to getting enough ZZZ’s at night. While we’ll always try to stay positive, we’re not going to shy away from the important issues and you can expect to hear points of view on what it’s like to run a business in an industry that has been a shall we say it? Oh...we'll go with Misogynistic. You'll also get our take on doping and dopers (spoiler alert...we don't like either of them).

In addition, we’ll get a few training and racing tips from some of your favorite coaches and we’ll also carve out some time to give shout outs to customers, Collective Beat Members, and our Ambassadors as they race their hearts out around the world.


 To listen on Soundcloud, just click here:

Coeur Podcast

To listen to our first episode on Apple I-tunes just click the icon below: 

Coeur Podcast

Reginald Holden